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Play storytelling games with friends · By therabidbanana


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Tenkiwi in the Dark
The last month or so have been spent trying to clean up Tenkiwi's UI (as well as overhaul the build process to deal with Expo deprecating their old CLI). The hi...
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Prompted by Charge
As part of the Charge Creation Jam and Threads of Lachesis jam I began work on a new Tenkiwi project. This project is trying to do something I haven't done succ...
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Tenkiwi is Now Open Source
The last year has been an interesting experience for me as a game developer just starting out. The headline - I'm finally feeling like Tenkiwi (my virtual table...
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Debrief Playtesting
This weekend marked a chance to playtest an unreleased prototype titled "The Debrief" - a game inspired by mashing up Jeff Stormer's Mission: Accomplished! with...
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Challenges Unlocking New Game Types
It's surprising how many changes came along with a seemingly simple concept like unlocking protected games. To start playing around with new games I wanted to m...
Introducing Tenkiwi
Apple's given the green light, Tenkiwi is going out to the wild! Originally a personal project to play "For the Queen" with a few friends, it's started to get m...
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Have a game you want to be playable on Tenkiwi? Have feedback / things you'd like to see? 

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For players looking to hack on the rules used in Culinary Contest, the following Google Sheet is a good starting point h...
started by therabidbanana Nov 14, 2021
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Copied the "For the Captain" template so that I can use it as an example. Games that follow the "For The Queen" template...
started by therabidbanana Sep 21, 2021
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At the bottom of the Choose Game/Configure page, there is a link to click on for more details about adding new games. Ho...
started by trekie140 Jan 23, 2023
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